• Optimising across the value chain
    August 14, 2023 By :Shane McEwen

    Optimising across the value chain

    Most businesses operate in one or more parts of what is a complex value chain involving multiple other players both upstream and downstream. Over several decades there has been a global shift towards players becoming more integrated 窶 expanding to operate in more upstream and downstream parts of the value chain 窶 in order to […]

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  • M&A Success – Two Years On
    October 25, 2022 By :Shane McEwen

    M&A Success – Two Years On

    Mergers and acquisitions can offer a tremendous opportunity for achieving a company窶冱 vision and strategic goals, but they can also be highly disruptive. To deliver the promised value, substantial changes to the merged organisation窶冱 operating model are often necessary, even if the intent is for it to operate as a standalone subsidiary. Overall M&A Performance […]

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  • Operating Model Framework
    October 25, 2022 By :Shane McEwen

    Operating Model Framework

    In our operating model series we have previously written about 窶why窶 you should redesign your operating model. Many companies may be in a situation to review their operating model now because of recent M&A, supply chain disruption from COVID-19, cost increases from global supply risks and other reasons. But what is the scope of an […]

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  • East Coast Energy Crisis
    October 25, 2022 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    East Coast Energy Crisis

    As part of our role supporting clients to secure electricity supply on the National Electricity Market (NEM), Mainsheet conducted an analysis of the unprecedented period of high prices of electricity. Note: Prices on the NEM have materially improved since writing this report. This analysis was first conducted in June based on the period of April […]

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  • Australia’s Grid: The Electrical Transition
    October 25, 2022 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Australia’s Grid: The Electrical Transition

    Australia窶冱 once in a lifetime, complex, irreversible energy transformation is underway, in an effort to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and the nation窶冱 carbon emissions. Energy, which includes electricity, stationary energy, transport and fugitive emissions, currently accounts for over three-quarters of Australia窶冱 emissions. While electricity generation currently accounts for a third of all emissions, this […]

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  • Defining Your Customer Strategy
    October 25, 2022 By :Shane McEwen

    Defining Your Customer Strategy

    Organisations recognise that their customer strategy is a top business priority. Indeed, improving customer experience was identified as the top business priority amongst executives (58% of respondents) in a 2021 HBR study 窶 higher than reducing costs (47%), increasing revenue (44%) and increasing innovation (37%). But what a good customer strategy looks like is not […]

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  • The Strategy Challenge
    October 25, 2022 By :Shane McEwen

    The Strategy Challenge

    Many senior management teams are grappling with deciding how best to balance the multiple and often competing strategic considerations for their business. These may include shareholder value creation, ESG, decarbonisation, growth, reinvestment rate, dividends, business scale and scope, optimal offerings, customer segment priorities, cost structure, business footprint 窶ヲ just to mention a few. Clearly all […]

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  • Long-Term Value Creation Through M&A
    April 11, 2022 By :Shane McEwen

    Long-Term Value Creation Through M&A

    When it comes to creating value from M&A, our analysis identified that companies are more likely to realise value over the longer term. We continue our series reviewing the financial performance of businesses following M&A activity by taking a more in-depth longer-term view of value creation. While the possibility for M&A to reduce the value […]

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  • Energy Transition Drivers & Trends
    April 11, 2022 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Energy Transition Drivers & Trends

    Major structural changes are underway across the traditional Australian energy sector, with sweeping implications for a wide range of industries. These changes, from fossil-based fuels to lower carbon alternatives, are just as much a result of voluntary company initiatives as they are of government intervention. Companies are increasingly setting ambitious emissions reduction targets, many of […]

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  • Operating Model Redesign 窶 Why Do It?
    April 11, 2022 By :Shane McEwen

    Operating Model Redesign 窶 Why Do It?

    Previously we have explored Mainsheet窶冱 10 Critical Success Factors to support redesign or development of your Operating Model. However, the question you might still ask yourself is, 窶弩hy do it?窶 Your Operating Model is the link between strategy and how you are organised (your organisation design). It is the blueprint for how you will deliver […]

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  • The Circular Economy for Wastepaper
    April 11, 2022 By :Shane McEwen

    The Circular Economy for Wastepaper

    Key players across the wastepaper industry are likely to see their operating models challenged in coming years as significant regulatory changes regarding the permitted use of wastepaper come into play globally. Governments are hoping to create stronger recycling markets, with landfill becoming increasingly discouraged and waste recovery technology investment accelerating. As a result, participants across […]

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  • eCommerce, Transport & Logistics and the Last Mile
    April 11, 2022 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    eCommerce, Transport & Logistics and the Last Mile

    The growth in eCommerce has driven a large structural change in supply chain logistics, with the last mile leg increasing in volume and becoming more pivotal to a business窶冱 success. Expectations set by large dominant online retailers have changed consumer attitudes, with consumers demanding speedy fulfilment and high levels of transparency, adding additional costs to […]

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  • Sustainability & ESG Reporting in the Resources Sector
    April 11, 2022 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Sustainability & ESG Reporting in the Resources Sector

    Although it has been 30 years since the 1992 Rio Earth Summit produced a comprehensive plan for sustainable development, most of the same global and local issues still exist at a greater and more urgent scale. For corporations, while 80% of companies worldwide reported on sustainability in 2020, their responses represent a wide range of […]

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  • The Business Case for Displacing Diesel
    April 7, 2022 By :Shane McEwen

    The Business Case for Displacing Diesel

    In 2021, Australia consumed around 31 billion litres of diesel fuel. For many businesses that consume large quantities of diesel across mobile fleets, displacing diesel for a lower cost and cleaner energy source presents an opportunity to create a climate advantage. This article makes the case for businesses to evaluate diesel displacement strategies. CY21 Diesel(Million […]

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  • Successful Sale of 360 Environmental
    November 9, 2021 By :Shane McEwen

    Successful Sale of 360 Environmental

    Mainsheet is pleased to announce that UK-based SLR Consulting has substantially expanded its presence in Western Australia by purchasing local business 360 Environmental. Mainsheet Director Emma Wright was 360 Environmental窶冱 advisor on the transaction. “Working with Emma Wright and the team at Mainsheet Capital was a completely positive experience – it allowed us to keep […]

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  • Lifestyle Hotels & Millennial Customers
    November 8, 2021 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Lifestyle Hotels & Millennial Customers

    Hotel customers have evolved in recent years, with millennials seeking more unique and memorable experiences, giving rise to an international trend towards lifestyle hotels. Hotel brands are adapting their business models and offerings to respond to these changing consumer preferences, including strong customisation, affordable luxuries, social and community-building elements, as well as high reliance on […]

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  • Pork Industry Changes
    November 8, 2021 By :Shane McEwen

    Pork Industry Changes

    Major ownership and structural changes appear to be underway in the Australian pork production and processing industry, with implications for different players along the value chain. In this article we summarise some of the recent and reported activity, provide an overview of the pork industry value chain and identify some of the potential considerations for […]

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  • Taking a Longer-Term View at M&A Performance
    November 8, 2021 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Taking a Longer-Term View at M&A Performance

    When it comes to creating value from M&A, those companies that pursue multiple small- to medium-sized deals have a better chance of succeeding in the longer term. We continue our series reviewing the financial performance of businesses following M&A activity by taking a longer-term view of potential value creation. While the potential for M&A to […]

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  • Global Energy Shortage
    November 8, 2021 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Global Energy Shortage

    In recent weeks, both the global and Australian media has been awash with news reports related to the energy shortage impacting major regions and economies across the globe. Gas prices recently hit an all-time high in Europe and Asia as a result of curtailed production, depletion of reserves (due to the unusually cold weather last […]

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  • Plastic Replacement in Packaging
    November 8, 2021 By :Shane McEwen

    Plastic Replacement in Packaging

    Mainsheet has recently assisted a leading Australasian packaging manufacturer and distributor with a review of domestic and international plastic replacement packaging markets 窶 with growth rates of 8-10% globally, and an estimated addressable size of $5-6bn in Australia alone[1]. As part of the review, Mainsheet identified potential opportunities to offer innovative solutions as well as […]

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  • Operating Model Redesign 窶 10 Fundamentals
    November 8, 2021 By :Shane McEwen

    Operating Model Redesign 窶 10 Fundamentals

    An Operating Model enables the application of a corporate strategy or vision to a business or operation. It is not the organisational structure, but breaks the system into parts and portrays a high-level representation of how an organisation can be best organised to deliver more efficiently and effectively, and to execute its strategy. Because every […]

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  • Waste Management and Recycling Changes and Opportunities
    July 12, 2021 By :Shane McEwen

    Waste Management and Recycling Changes and Opportunities

    Regulatory pressures and sustainability trends will disrupt the waste management industry, but will also present opportunities across the entire value chain. New regulations are expected to impact the industry significantly and pose challenges for companies in the sector. In a significant move, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has banned the export of waste plastic, […]

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  • Creating Value From Demergers
    July 12, 2021 By :Shane McEwen

    Creating Value From Demergers

    In the pursuit of sustainable growth and value creation, an organisation窶冱 corporate portfolio strategy is much like a fine balancing act. It requires focus on both diversifying into new sectors, geographies and capabilities to accelerate growth and maximise synergies, while also maintaining and growing core competencies and business units. Investing too much time and capital […]

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  • Sustainable Development of Ports in Australia
    July 12, 2021 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Sustainable Development of Ports in Australia

    With the high demand for intercontinental shipping, driven by the growth of world trade and Australia窶冱 almost total reliance on shipping as an enabler of all imports and exports, there is a constant need for new port development projects. When this is coupled with the increased scrutiny of climate change influences,  the environment will become […]

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  • Is M&A Creating or Destroying Your Value?
    July 12, 2021 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Is M&A Creating or Destroying Your Value?

    Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, mergers and acquisition (M&A) levels have rapidly escalated in Australia. According to the AFR, FY2020 M&A activity was up 50% on FY2019. The challenges resulting from COVID-19 have resulted in hardship for many companies, yet the crisis has also incentivised companies to reset strategically. M&A is one such […]

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  • Energy Transition Changing Australia窶冱 Export Commodity Mix
    July 12, 2021 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Energy Transition Changing Australia窶冱 Export Commodity Mix

    The global energy transition from fossil-based fuel to zero-carbon energy is driving significant change in Australia窶冱 mining sector and more specifically, Australia窶冱 export commodity mix. This transition is underpinned by the commitment (or at least the intention to commit) to net zero emissions by 2050 by many countries across the world. The energy transition is […]

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  • Finding the Optimal Capital Structure
    April 13, 2021 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Finding the Optimal Capital Structure

    Finding and maintaining the right capital structure is critical to minimising the organisation窶冱 cost of capital and maximising its value creation potential. Striking the right balance between debt and equity funding can be a challenge for many businesses, particularly in capital intensive and/or cyclical industries where revenues, earnings and cash flows can have a high […]

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  • Preparing for Change Following the Royal Commission into Aged Care
    April 13, 2021 By :Shane McEwen

    Preparing for Change Following the Royal Commission into Aged Care

    Since Mainsheet窶冱 inception, our team has worked closely with aged care providers to navigate the constantly evolving regulatory and operating environment. The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, along with its 148 recommendations for the industry, proves that the only constant in the aged care industry is change. The primary theme of the […]

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  • Responding to the Sustainability Imperative
    April 13, 2021 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Responding to the Sustainability Imperative

    Government agencies and many large corporates across all industries are striving to improve the environmental and social performance of their own operations, and increasingly also of their suppliers, to meet their Corporate Social Responsibility objectives. Below is a sample of some of the initiatives that government and non-government entities are implementing to improve the sustainability […]

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  • Data-Driven Decision Making in the Water Sector
    April 13, 2021 By :Shane McEwen

    Data-Driven Decision Making in the Water Sector

    Australia experienced perhaps its most severe period of drought in hundreds of years from 2017 to early 2020, resulting in devastating bushfires and major water supply issues. Despite coming out of this drought, many water authorities continue to face long-term challenges of water security in the context of: One major factor that water authorities, engineers, […]

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  • Capitalising on a rapidly changing energy and carbon landscape
    April 13, 2021 By :Shane McEwen

    Capitalising on a rapidly changing energy and carbon landscape

    窶弃ut a big, fat price on carbon!窶 These were some of the final words of the outgoing Secretary-General of the OECD Mr テ]gel Gurrテュa, in his final address in February 2021. This coincided with the passing of a resolution for a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) in February 2021. This resolution aims to […]

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  • Value Creation Challenges in Construction & Engineering
    April 13, 2021 By :Shane McEwen

    Value Creation Challenges in Construction & Engineering

    Mainsheet regularly tracks the economic profitability of companies across a range of sectors. At the time of our analysis in 2019, we noted that there had been an increase in activity in construction and engineering after a prolonged period of value creation challenges. However, in 2020 activity slowed down again due to the COVID-19 pandemic […]

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  • M&A Performance in Australia
    March 5, 2021 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    M&A Performance in Australia

    How do you maximise value from mergers and acquisitions? Conclusions we have drawn from reviewing 387 Australian transactions completed in the last 3 years are supplemented by our learnings from strategy, M&A and integration client projects. Following our January 2020 report on Australian M&A performance, we reviewed the one-year performance post-deal for 178 acquisitions completed […]

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  • Plant-Based Meat Substitutes on a Growth Trajectory
    December 7, 2020 By :Shane McEwen

    Plant-Based Meat Substitutes on a Growth Trajectory

    A growing number of plant-based meat style products have been hitting the shelves over the last two years, including those from global brands such as Impossible Foods and Beyond Burger, long-time vegetarian brands like Vegie Delights and Tofurky, house brands like Coles窶 Herb & Sons, and more recent Australian brands like Made With Plants and […]

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  • Increasing Consciousness within the Personal Care and Hygiene Industry
    December 7, 2020 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Increasing Consciousness within the Personal Care and Hygiene Industry

    窶弩hat is really in the products I consume and use, and how did it get here?窶 This question is being increasingly asked by consumers, with growing concerns about the naturalness and sustainability of the products we use every day. Historically, this has applied more specifically to food products, with consideration around the value of organic […]

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  • Future Scenario Planning
    December 7, 2020 By :Shane McEwen

    Future Scenario Planning

    Scenario planning would be so simple if it wasn窶冲 about the future! But it is. The global pandemic has jolted many companies into realising that thinking beyond their annual plans and considering longer term planning and sources of strategic risk is non-negotiable. In addition to a 3-5 year strategy, scenario planning is critical to enable […]

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  • Mining 窶 Recent Growth Strategy Observations
    December 7, 2020 By :Shane McEwen

    Mining 窶 Recent Growth Strategy Observations

    2020 was dominated by managing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The initial impact on the mining sector was a tightening of the equity markets between February and May which led to some distressed equity raisings and a number of our clients investigating specialist debt funding options for refinancing. Interestingly this highlighted the availability of […]

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  • The Importance Culture and Organisation Design Plays in Delivering Strategy
    December 7, 2020 By :Shane McEwen

    The Importance Culture and Organisation Design Plays in Delivering Strategy

    Mainsheet has helped a number of organisations recently across a range of industries, including several government agencies, to design their organisational structure and develop their organisational cultures. As part of our recent work with various government enterprises and departments, we have identified a number of key areas that are critical to the success of organisational […]

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  • Commercial Due Diligence 窶 Understanding Value in an Investment
    December 7, 2020 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Commercial Due Diligence 窶 Understanding Value in an Investment

    Commercial due diligence is typically commissioned by an equity or debt investor during the execution phase of an acquisition transaction or debt funding process. Together with financial, legal and tax due diligence, commercial due diligence forms an integral part of evaluating the target company and investment rationale. While each type of due diligence is important […]

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  • Mainsheet – Supporting our Local Manufacturing Industry
    September 17, 2020 By :Shane McEwen

    Mainsheet – Supporting our Local Manufacturing Industry

    Mainsheet is often in a privileged position to assist a company in its strategy development, review of operations or operating model to impact purpose and increase shareholder returns. Then there are the times when a small practical action has an impact beyond a plan. Today was one of those times when Mainsheet introduced Glide, Australia’s […]

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  • M&A Performance in Australia
    June 26, 2020 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    M&A Performance in Australia

    Why is there consistent underperformance post-acquisition? Following our June 2019 report on the performance of M&A in Australia, we have reviewed 149 acquisitions throughout Australia that were completed during CY2018. We review transaction performance a year post-deal. We found that 72% of acquirers underperformed the benchmark, (ASX300), one year from the closing date of their […]

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  • Merger Announcement
    June 4, 2020 By :Shane McEwen

    Merger Announcement

    Mainsheet is pleased to have advised on and supported the merger of Baptistcare and Global Care in Western Australia. The merger will provide increased market share and diversified services for Baptistcare, access to Baptistcare窶冱 expertise in aged care for Global Care residents, retirees and clients, and growth opportunities for Global Care staff. This was achieved […]

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  • COVID-19 Prompting Digital Transformation
    April 28, 2020 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    COVID-19 Prompting Digital Transformation

    One thing to have come out of the COVID-19 pandemic is that governments, businesses and individuals are being forced to realise more of what窶冱 possible with digital. Particularly in areas such as remote working, providing digital service to customers, and business models involving home servicing and delivery. Zoom窶冱 daily active users jumped from 10 million […]

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  • Lessons from recent Mainsheet Operational Change & Transformation Projects
    April 14, 2020 By :Shane McEwen

    Lessons from recent Mainsheet Operational Change & Transformation Projects

    Mainsheet Capital has worked on several operational change and transformation projects for clients in varying industries, specifically business integration projects of for mid and large cap companies across Australia in the last 12 months.  Our review of these projects identified five lessons 窶 irrespective of the clients窶 industry or the nature of the change 窶 […]

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  • Are B2B companies capturing the value of digital?
    March 13, 2020 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Are B2B companies capturing the value of digital?

    Many B2B companies are coming to realise that digital, rather than a cost or just for B2C, can capture major benefits and efficiencies for businesses and their customers, and unlock significant value creation. As consumers, our expectations of good interactions are being driven by modern digital services that bypass the need for traditional assets and […]

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  • Value Creation Challenges
    October 21, 2019 By :Shane McEwen

    Value Creation Challenges

    in engineering, construction, mining and oil & gas services sectors The increased activity in the engineering, mining services and oil & gas services sectors over the past six months is very welcome as analysis of the value creation performance over the past few years clearly shows that these sectors have been experiencing value creation challenges. […]

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  • Positioning for Growth
    October 21, 2019 By :Shane McEwen

    Positioning for Growth

    in engineering, construction, mining and oil & gas services Since the peak of activity 2012 / 2013 many engineering, mining and oil & gas services firms have experienced a significant reduction in market demand. This has caused many firms to have to substantially reduced staff numbers and narrowed capabilities and radically reduce their costs base. […]

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  • Economic Performance and Value Creation Analysis
    October 21, 2019 By :Shane McEwen

    Economic Performance and Value Creation Analysis

    Performance analysis of a sample of listed companies in construction, engineering, mining services and oil & gas services can be access through the links below

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  • Recent M&A success – Exploring the impact of strategic rationale, relative size and frequency of deals
    July 29, 2019 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Recent M&A success – Exploring the impact of strategic rationale, relative size and frequency of deals

    Following our March report on the performance of M&A in Western Australia, we have reviewed 93 acquisitions throughout Australia that were completed during FY2018. We found that 58% of acquirers underperformed the benchmark, the ASX300, one year from the closing date of their respective acquisition, which is consistent with the findings reported in our previous […]

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  • Mainsheet Capital successfully advises Aurecon on its acquisition of Quartile One
    July 25, 2019 By :Shane McEwen

    Mainsheet Capital successfully advises Aurecon on its acquisition of Quartile One

    Mainsheet Capital was Aurecon’s corporate advisor and led the acquisition search and transaction process Aurecon is a leading engineering, management, planning, project management and consulting company operating across Australia, NZ, Asia & Africa Quartile One provides advice to mining companies about how to make best use of their capital equipment using sensors that deliver real-time […]

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  • M&A Integration Model
    May 23, 2019 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    M&A Integration Model

    Our article earlier this year analysing 2017 acquisitions showed that the old adage “~70% of acquisitions fail to add value” still proves true today. Yet when done right it can transform businesses and add shareholder value.  Will your next acquisition be part of that 70%? What can you can you do to make sure you’re […]

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  • Scenario Planning
    March 27, 2019 By :Shane McEwen

    Scenario Planning

    Businesses renew their strategy every few years, some more often. The purpose is to align the team to a set of objectives..

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  • Underperformance of recent market acquisitions highlights strategy and integration needs
    March 27, 2019 By :Stephen D'Alessandro

    Underperformance of recent market acquisitions highlights strategy and integration needs

    Mainsheet Capital analysed 16 ASX listed, industrial companies headquartered in Western Australia..

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  • Mainsheet successfully leads the sale of MPC Group
    September 18, 2017 By :Shane McEwen

    Mainsheet successfully leads the sale of MPC Group

    Mainsheet Capital is a full service corporate advisory and corporate strategy firm that specialises in the oil & gas, mining, engineering and construction, utilities and industrial sectors. We support senior management, boards and business owners to maximise shareholder value creation through well designed and well executed growth strategies, business sales, acquisitions and capital raisings. If […]

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  • Mainsheet successfully advises Calibre Group on its acquisition of Diona
    November 16, 2015 By :Shane McEwen

    Mainsheet successfully advises Calibre Group on its acquisition of Diona

    The acquisition of Diona is the first step for Calibre in building a large scale Utilities and Infrastructure Services business. Mainsheet Capital is a full service corporate advisory and corporate strategy firm. We support senior management, boards and business owners to maximise value creation through thoughtfully designed and well executed transactions, growth strategies and capital […]

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